Divorce (3)

Young couple have problems in relationshipMore about divorce

In many trivial and not so trivial cases, some people have a tendency to make decisions that supposedly will not cause others to talk badly about them. Does this principle work? Is it a good guide to make decisions? Will people ever make bad comments about other people? Does the Bible teach that we should please people, or we should rather please God? Read more…

Avoid false prophets

liarAvoid deception

Nobody wants to be deceived. But at the same time we want to follow instructions that come from God, whether we understand them or not. However, we are aware, that in some cases God’s enemy may try to deceive us by a delivery of the massage that supposedly comes from God. Are we at the mercy of demons in such cases, or God has provided the means of avoiding deception? Read more…


Frau wird Opfer häuslicher GewaltBefore considering the concept of predestination, the concept of free will needs to be understood.

Free Will

Free will, precisely: freedom to choose from available options to act upon them. God gave every human freedom to choose. Adam and Eve were informed about it,[1] or God would never tell them to not eat a fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God extends an invitation to everyone to choose to believe in Him and have everlasting life.[2] From the ancient times God encourages everyone to choose life.[3] As a result, everyone is responsible for their own choices.[4] God will respect all choices that people make. Even when someone choose to live in enmity with Him and die eternal death, God will respect their choices. Read more…

Divorce (2)

Young couple have problems in relationshipReasons for divorce

It seems that for Jesus

  • the only reason for divorce is sexual immorality,[1]
  • the marriage vows must never be broken (husband and wife have to stay in the marriage until one of them dies),[2] and
  • anyone that divorces his wife (or her husband) and marries another woman (or man) commits adultery.[3]

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Postacie polskiego adwentyzmu w Australii (16)

20140219ikonkaPr Janusz Jagiełło

Od 2002 roku pracuje w zborze polskim Sydney. Czytaj dalej…

Kara za grzech

ArmageddonBiblia sprawozdaje że mieszkańcy Sodomy i Gomory byli wielkimi grzesznikami[1],[2] w oczach Boga, który zniszczył nie tylko obydwa miasta, ale całą równinę i wszystko co na niej istniało![3]  Bóg również spuścił plagi na dwór faraona który zabrał żonę Abrahamowi.[4]  Dlaczego Bóg uczynił niepłodnymi wszystkie kobiety na dworze Abimelecha?[5]  Jeśli Bóg nie karze za grzechy, to dlaczego uczył człowieka uzdrowionego przy sadzawce aby nie grzeszył bo może mu się przydarzyć coś gorszego?[6] Czytaj dalej…

To co rozdasz

GlasmurmelnSimilar story in English.

Był to sklep na rogu w którym kupowałem ziemniaki z nowego sezonu.  Zauważyłem małego chłopca o delikatnej budowie, ubranego w zwykłe ubranie ale czyste, który chciwie oceniał koszyk ze świeżo zebranym groszkiem. Czytaj dalej…

Creation as seen by Moses (1)

ArmageddonIn the desert

Polska wersja jest tutaj.

After the great revolt just before entering the Promised Land, the Lord sent us to be wanderers for 40 years in the desert.  Having all the time in the world, I desired to chronicle the history of the chosen nation, but my attempts always ended abruptly when I intended to write the very beginning.  Even the oldest Israelites did not know exactly how the world was created, and some of them had various ideas which were difficult to reconcile.  I asked the Lord on a few occasions to show me the very beginning, but each time the Lord was silent. Read more of this post

Poszukiwanie Boga

Teen girl and telescope, Near Kiev,UkraineZachęcam do odbycia podróży po tajemnych drogach, którymi Bóg wychodzi naprzeciw człowiekowi, by dać mu udział w swoim życiu i chwale. Czytaj dalej…

Postacie polskiego adwentyzmu w Australii (15)

20130929ikonkaPr Sławomir Malarek

to prawdziwy globtroter. Wędrówkę z Polski do Australii odbył przez Wielką Brytanię, Szwajcarię, Stany Zjednoczone i Kanadę… Czytaj dalej…